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Board of Trustees - ¶ 2524

In accordance with the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline, Section 2524, in each pastoral charge consisting of one local church there shall be a Board of Trustees, consisting of not fewer than three nor more than nine persons. The Trustees shall be of legal age as determined by law, and at least two-thirds are professing members of The United Methodist Church. No pastor is a voting member of the Board of Trustees unless elected as a member. The Middletown United Methodist Church Board of Trustees are elected from the church membership to hold office for a term of one year or until their successors are elected.

Our Mission

Administration is a gift from the Holy Spirit used to serve the Body of Christ. It is within that context that the work we do for our Church is in His name to promote His Kingdom and enable Middletown United Methodist Church to accomplish its mission effectively.


Our Values

  • Participate in our church and understand its mission and discipline

  • Observe the law

  • Act responsibly and be accountable

  • Follow financial regulations

  • Act with honesty and integrity

  • Obtain professional advice when facing significant risk

  • Be good stewards of church property and funds

  • Understand church charter and bylaws

  • Make collective decisions


A Message from The Board of Trustees

As you can see from our Mission and Values statement, being a MUMC Trustee is more than just being a “repair person.” We are committed to enabling the mission of our our church, wherever that may take us. In reality though, this often does come down to fixing things. We have the administrative responsibility that includes the following areas:

  • Management of the church building

  • Management of the church grounds

  • Management of the church parsonage

  • Management of all bequests to the church

  • Financial management of endowment funds and distributions

-- Lori Crandall, President, Board of Trustees


Your Service

When we took our vows as members of the church we affirmed,

“As members of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?”

Every year, church members volunteer their services to the administration and maintenance of our church. To the Trustees, these gifts of service are as good as your tithes and offerings because it saves the Trustees the expense of paying for a service. We have quite a “To Do” list. There are various needs, from simple tasks to projects requiring some skill level and planning. Simply take ownership of one of these tasks by contacting the Board of Trustees, and we will support your service. Any material expense you incur in the task is reimbursable. Please direct any comments regarding the church or your willingness to serve to

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